19-20 APRIL 2025
performing arts FESTIVAL IN london

Callout for AV works

Submission form – the closing date is 16 March 2025.

Across the whole festival

We would like to screen individual audiovisual pieces of work at our festival at Rich Mix in London, 19-20 April 2025. 

These will be deployed around the space via Augmented Reality – visitors to the event can scan symbols on the wall and watch the videos via their phone and headphones.

AV works for playback at Crux Festival 2024

We would like to screen individual audiovisual pieces of work at our festival at Rich Mix in London, 19-20 April 2025. 

These will be deployed around the space via Augmented Reality – visitors to the event can scan symbols on the wall and watch the videos via their phone and headphones.

We are seeking finished audiovisual music tracks (that feature a tight synchronisation or meshing of audio and visual media). Please do not send normal music videos or videos of live performances, as they are unlikely to be selected for screening. Only one work per artist will be selected.

Short pieces in a 16:9 HD video format would work best, but other dimensions are acceptable. It should be your own work and not involve copyrighted material of other people.

After the event, we will also collate everything together in a YouTube playlist and share them via social media. We unfortunately do not have the budget to pay for screening of the videos.

Click here to go to the submission form!